Mission Statement


Our mission and purpose are to end human trafficking and exploitation globally by raising awareness, supporting, and learning from survivors to advocate for systemic and cultural changes. We strive to create a world where people live with dignity, respect, and FREEDOM. Collaborating with community partners, law enforcement, governments, and non-governmental entities to protect our communities, hold traffickers accountable, and provide justice for survivors.

Quest2freedom (Q2F™) is a 501(c)3 authorized Anti-Human Trafficking Organization that is dedicated to defeating the global issues surrounding human trafficking through a holistic approach to education, awareness, and advocacy.  Q2F™ addresses the cultural roots of human trafficking, which we believe are the foundation and perpetual source of the problem. Q2F™ provides support through training and identifying resources for all who have been affected. Q2F™ also creates partnerships with communities, law enforcement, governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to assist in terminating this nightmarish crime.



Victor Williams, Founder & CEO
Special Agent
Homeland Security Investigations (Retired)